5-star review from our Brighton Festival recital

Delighted about this nice review from our sold-out Brighton Festival appearance on Tuesday 24 May – ‘Schubert’s ‘Grand Duo’ was precisely that, two equal virtuosos playing wonderfully together, from memory … intensely rewarding concentration from both players and the audience. The communication between them was remarkable… It was no surprise that they received such thunderous […]

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Tchaikovsky Trio in Estonia and Russia

Foyle-Štšura Duo will be joined by acclaimed cellist Raphael Lang in an upcoming tour of Estonia and Russia. Excited about performances in Estonia Concert Hall in Tallinn and St John’s Church in St Petersburg. To mark the 110the anniversary of the great Russian composer Dmitry Shostakovich, the group will perform his Piano Trio No. 2 […]

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Michael wins the Netherlands Violin Competition

Michael Foyle has won the First Prize at the Oskar Back Dutch Violin Competition! Many congratulations on this well-deserved success! Michael and Maksim will be playing the Franck Sonata at the Recital Hall of the Royal Concertgebouw in Amsterdam at 12.30 on Wednesday 10 February. Very excited!

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Foyle-Štšura Duo goes to New York!

Foyle-Štšura Duo is delighted about the announcement of their New York Debut Recital date – our concert takes place at 19.30 on Wednesday 2 March 2016 in St. Stephen’s Church. The programme will include duo sonatas by Brahms, Mozart, Franck and one of our favourite works – Lutosławski’s Partita. Thank you to the Salieri-Zinetti International […]

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Foyle-Stsura Duo tours Scotland

In November 2015 Foyle-Stsura Duo will be performing recitals in St. Andrews and Ayr (25th), Edinburgh (26th), Troon (27th) and Glasgow (28th). See ‘Concerts‘ for full details! Have a look at the flyer for our concert in Glasgow!  

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